Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Russian Translation of Winter Wonderland Song

Probably almost everyone remembers and knows the song -  Winter Wonderland. You can check out this youtube video of the song if you are not sure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkFP0VwpPRY

We found a very nice translation into Russian of the beginning of the song done by one of the workers of some Russian translation company.

So, in the original it goes like this:

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight,
We're happy tonight.
Walking in a winter wonderland.

And here is English to Russian translation of the song:

Слышишь, колокольчик в санях звенит,
На дороге снег блестит,
Красота - не передам!
Cчастливы сегодня вечером,
Гуляя в зимней сказке.

I think the translation was made pretty-pretty well.

And for those of you who wants to try to sing it in Russian, here is the transliteration (Russian phonetic translation):

Slishish', kalakol'chik v sanyah zvinit,
Na darogi sneg blestit,
Krasata - ni peredam!
Shastlivi segodnya vecheram,
Gulaya v zimnei skazke.

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