Tuesday, June 18, 2019

How to translate FEE NUMBER on Birth Certificate of Washington State

It's going to be a short post regarding a birth certificate translation issued in Washington State, Snohomish county. When we were translating this document into the Russian language, everything seemed to be straight forward except for the part where it says 'FEE NUMBER'. Search for this particular phrase online didn't get us the desired results. So, we decided to call the Department of Health of the State of Washington by contacting them at 360-236-4300. We can't help but make a note that the representative was very informative and professional. Thank you for that! The birth certificate was issued in 2019 but I'm sure this can be found on certificates from other years, too.

One might think that the fee number might be translated as a registration number of some kind, but the specialist told us that the fee number doesn't do anything with registration. The fee number is used internally for audit/financial purposes only. 

A proper Russian translation of the 'Fee Number' should be 'Номер оплаты' or 'Номер платежа'. 

Below you can see the actual birth certificate in question. 

The Legend of the Russian Empire's Cast-Iron Medal for Heavy Drinkers

Here's an interesting fact about drunkards in the Russian Empire during the Peter the Great times. They were commonly referred to as ...