Our blog covers topics such as Russian-to-English translation challenges, improving Russian language skills, discussions on Russian grammar and syntax, reviews of translation software and tools, and case studies showcasing successful translation projects. We also explore various aspects of Russian culture, literature, and current events, serving as a valuable resource for both beginners and professionals looking to enhance their Russian translation skills and knowledge.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Christie's Russian Website Translation Mistakes
Two weeks ago one of our professional Russian English translators who is a big fan of Christie's auctions found out that their website have a Russian version of the site.
And she let them know that the translation was done very poorly with a lot of syntax and orthographic mistakes. (Just a little note to everyone: If you would like to avoid translation services like that, you should be using Certified Russian translation instead of just regular translation services.) The page I'm talking about is here: christies.com/features/welcome/russian
I also noticed the same kind of mistakes on two other pages: christies.com/features/welcome/russian/buy.aspx and this one christies.com/features/welcome/russian/sell.aspx (Copy and paste into your browser these links to check them out).
On the images below you can clearly see all the mistakes I'm talking about. Of course, if you do understand Russian language.
The image was kindly provided to me by Russian Telephone Translation website.
As far as me, I think that every certified Russian translator can correct those mistakes and/or do a professional English Russian website translation of Cristie's website. I think that a well-respected auction and a brand name like Christie's should have a perfect image.
Here are more images from their website. I marked some obvious mistakes. But of course there are a lot more. You just need to read it carefully and you'll find all of them. I think there are from 13 to 25 mistakes overall on the Russian version of Christie's web site.
All images were provided to this blog under the copyright from Russian Telephone Translation website. All images are copyrighted and can be used only after a written consent from the owner.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Happy Birthday in Russian Language - How to Make a Wish (audio)
Today I am going to teach you how to wish a Happy Birthday in Russian.
So, if need to make a Russian translation for a friend who has a birthday, then read on.
Russian translation for a HAPPY BIRTHDAY is С ДНЁМ РОЖДЕНИЯ - Russian transliteration for this phrase would be - S DNJOM RAZHDENIJA. You can listen to the audio recording of the phrase "happy birthday" in Russian below:
Or you can also say Поздравляю с Днем Рождения - transliteration would be as follows: Pazdravlyaju s dnjom razhdenija and the English for that would be Congratulations with your birthday (I know that it is not a very popular way to say it in English, but believe me, it is very common to wish a happy birthday in Russian).
Here is how it sounds like in Russian:
If you are willing to wish something more, then here are some ideas for you:
I wish you happiness - Я желаю тебе счастья - Ya zhelayu tebe schast'ja.
I wish you health - Я желаю тебе здоровья - Ya zhelayu tebe zdarov'ya.
Here is a good example of a birthday greeting for your friend:
Я желаю тебе крепкого здоровья!
Я желаю тебе долгих и счастливых лет жизни!
И самое главное, Я желаю тебе счастья - безмерного счастья! каждый день!
The Russian to English Translation of this birthday greeting will be as follows:
I wish you a long and successful life.
I wish you excellent health.
Most importantly, I wish you happiness - without measure - every day!
I hope that this post will help you to wish a Happy B-Day to one of your friends in Russian!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Easy to Learn Russian Words
PLEASE - Russian translation for that word is POZHALUISTA or ПОЖАЛУЙСТА.
Here is a usage example for you: Can you PLEASE forward me that Russian certified translation today?
The stress should be on the second syllable which is ZHA.
The next easy to learn word is
How are you? - Kak Djela? or Как Дела?
Good - Harasho - Хорошо.
Happy Birthday in Russian will be S dnyom Razhdeniya - С днём рождения!
Super in Russian is going to be Super - Супер - almost the same like in English=) - so this is the easiest to learn Russian word.
Bye - Paka - Пока
Next time I will try to compose a list of useful words for special occasion like a birthday.
So, see you soon.
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