Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mission Statement for a Translation Company - Things to Include

            In this post we decided to explain our view on a mission statement for a translation/ interpretation company. 

Let's imagine there is some translation company called T-translations Inc. The company provides translation and interpretation services around the world. The company works with over 1000 of translators. This translation agency  interprets and translates from over 65 official languages. Some of the additional services that the company provides are proofreading, audio/visual transcriptions, and software localization. T-translations claims that it is open 24 hours a day, has emergency fast service option, and 3% price-beat guarantee. It is also a member of American Translation Association. 

        First of all, a mission statement shouldn't be too long. Though, a long mission statement can give a lot of information about the company, and what it provides. However, a mission statement should explain what the company is trying to accomplish. The description of the company and the services it provides is not the place for it. The information provided in the mission statement should be matching the information on the company's website. 
In addition, it shouldn't look like people behind T-translations think that the company reached its top in customer service, number of subcontractors, areas of operation, and they are not trying to improve anything. The mission statement shouldn't be like a hybrid of an advertisement and summary of the company.
In my opinion, a professional translation company needs to keep its mission statement short and clear. However, the most important thing to do is to show to the public and the employees (subcontractors mainly) what the main goals are for the company. In other words, they need to show how they are going to improve their business.
Lastly, a well-written mission statement for a translation company should be something like this (we chose Russian Translation Pros as an example): "Russian Translation Pros’ mission is to deliver the highest quality and variety of translation and interpretation services to businesses as well as individuals while constantly improving quality of the customer service and keeping the costs to a minimum"

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